Casablanca: Main Characters

Ilsa Lund: In the movie Ilsa is married to Victor Laszlo, but then he dies in world war two. After that she met Rick Blaine and they fall in love and spend a lovely time in Paris. When Paris get attacted by the germans and Rick want to leave Paris, he wants to leave with Ilsa, but she just found out that her husband Victor is still alive. So she leaves Rick and Sam, the pianist, to find Victor. A few years later she travel to Casablanca with Victor and they meet again. They have an affaire and at the end she leaves him again, because he told her so. Ilsa is a very young woman and she is truly completely in love with Rick. She often gets very dramatic and cries. In my opinion she does not know what she wants and lets other people decide about her life, except from making her own decisions. R ick Blaine: Rick is the most important character in the movie. He often appears too serious to be impressed by anyone, except in the film scenes in wh...